Going To The Cinema Alone

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

If you had asked me if I would go to the cinema on my own a few years ago I would have said something along the lines of "hell no". Not entirely sure why I felt that way. Maybe something to do with society's norms and values where going alone seems weird or you fear you'll be judged by the appearance of having no friends. Ask me now and I would tell you it is one of my favourite things to do.

Going to the cinema alone has only become a thing I do due to becoming an Unlimited member at Cineworld Cinemas. It has given me the opportunities to tackle that anxiety and just go by myself. The first movie I ever went to see on my own was Mad Max: Fury Road. What a great first choice. It was a brilliant movie and there were many other people there on their own so in a way I didn't feel alone. Although I was desperate to have someone to talk to about it straight away.

So why is it enjoyable to go on your own? Well you get to choose the movie without having to think what anyone else wants to see. You don't sit there wondering if the other person is enjoying the movie. If you want to talk about it to someone afterwards then you can always go on social media or talk to people later on. It means if no one wants to go see that movie you desperately want to see there is nothing actually stopping you.

Last movie I went to see on my own was Fast & Furious 8. Again I had a great time on my own and the best part was there were elderly women in the screening on their own and I was like "YES!". Going to the cinema seems to be considered as one of those activities you do with friends, but I don't see why it has to be. People will comfortably sit at home and watch movies on their own therefore it's just going out and doing the same thing. Don't miss out on something fun.

Other people there honestly don't care whether you are with your friends, on a date or on your own. They are more interested in the movie they are going to see. Once the lights go off and the movie starts you settle in and forget about it and might actually realise how much fun you are having.

Don't miss out on the movies you really want to see. Don't miss out on the fun you could be having


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