Getting My First Tattoo

Friday, 23 June 2017

Last month I made an appointment to get my very first tattoo. I had wanted one since I was about 15/16 years old but never had the guts, the money or any idea of what I really wanted. Beforehand I wanted lyrics but I'm extremely relieved I never went through with it because, well the lead singer of the band I was a huge fan of is not a good person and I would be sitting here regretting it.

That means choosing something became quite difficult. I didn't want it related to a band or tv show that I might grow to dislike or lose interest in. Astronomy and planets is something however that I've always found interesting and I came across a Saturn tattoo that I fell in love with. Also it's the sixth planet from the sun (6 is my fave/lucky number) and I don't always think your tattoo needs meaning behind it. If you like it and want it, it's your decision. It was decided for me though. It was just a matter of having the money and guts to go through with it.

I was nervous of course. I get nervous very easily but according to the tattoo artist it was not coming across. Everyone tells you different stories on the level of pain getting a tattoo. Mine was a little painful but it was bearable. Like a tiny little needle constantly picking at you (I mean that is what it's doing). It stings a little. I was just surprised I managed to sit still for it for I am an extremely restless person.


It was all worth it in the end. Even the pain and not getting much sleep due to being uncomfortable. People tell you about the pain of getting a tattoo but no one tells you about the bit afterwards. Nobody tells you about the blood either. I do love my tattoo though and very happy that it turned out good.


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