Anyways... I thought I would create a short list of some of the tv shows I absolutely love at the moment.
I started watching this just over a year ago when my mum got me the first season on dvd for Christmas. I didn't have Amazon Prime back then. I watched the second season whilst I was staying in New Zealand for a month with my best friend and her family. In a strange way it made me homesick even though it was set in a completely different time. It still reminds me of home. The third season has just started back and I'm excited to see what is going to happen. I haven't read the books...yet but I did just purchase the first one. I'm so excited to start reading it... if I don't fall victim to banishing it to the To Be Read Pile. Ooops.
A lot of it is actually filmed in Scotland which just adds to the scenery, amazing storyline and characters. The scenery is just beautiful. Their studio is also in my hometown which is pretty damn cool.
A lot of it is actually filmed in Scotland which just adds to the scenery, amazing storyline and characters. The scenery is just beautiful. Their studio is also in my hometown which is pretty damn cool.
I'm an absolute sucker for period dramas. When Downton Abbey ended this became a sort of replacement. I really do enjoy it and do see some similarities when you have the stories of Queen Victoria upstairs and then her staff downstairs. Plus I have a soft spot for Jenna Coleman since she had been in Doctor Who. I think she plays the Queen beautifully.
Game of Thrones
I can't believe this started back in 2011. I remember showing my best friend this on the laptop. We're past 7 seasons and impatiently waiting for the last season to air. Season 7 still has me stopping and thinking about some of the things that happened.
Also I will take this time to show my love for Sansa. I've had to endure conversations of people calling her boring and I'm like "hold the fuck up!!"
The Flash
The Flash
I'm really into my superhero shows and movies but this possibly has to be my favourite out of the bunch. I've fallen a little behind on it and need to catch up before season 4 starts. It's so cheesy but so good.
House of Cards
Literally just started this last week. As I type this I am on season 2. I didn't think it was going to be something I enjoyed but oh boy I have been sucked right in. How amazing and beautiful is Robin Wright? Kevin Spacey is also an incredible actor in this and they are both such a power force and incredible to watch.
Without trying to spoil too much but I thought I was angry about what happened to Peter Russo but then what happened to Zoe Barnes had me gasping like I haven't done at a tv show in a while. Can't wait to watch more of this.
Edit: 18/11/2017 I thought after everything that has gone on with Kevin Spacey I'd put in a little edit. I will keep what I said before. But thought it would be appropriate to do this. I have had trouble watching any more of this show since the news broke. So I'm still stuck on season 2 not knowing if I will continue. It's hard to separate person from the art. And I might take back what I said about him being an incredible actor because it seems like he was an awful person in real life too. I feel like they should write him out of the show and do the final season on Robin Wright.
Without trying to spoil too much but I thought I was angry about what happened to Peter Russo but then what happened to Zoe Barnes had me gasping like I haven't done at a tv show in a while. Can't wait to watch more of this.
Edit: 18/11/2017 I thought after everything that has gone on with Kevin Spacey I'd put in a little edit. I will keep what I said before. But thought it would be appropriate to do this. I have had trouble watching any more of this show since the news broke. So I'm still stuck on season 2 not knowing if I will continue. It's hard to separate person from the art. And I might take back what I said about him being an incredible actor because it seems like he was an awful person in real life too. I feel like they should write him out of the show and do the final season on Robin Wright.
Shows I'm looking forward to returning
Black Mirror, Stranger Things, Riverdale and Criminal Minds.
Other honourable mentions:
Lost, Orphan Black, Sons of Anarchy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, and loads more that I'd be here all day listing them.
What are your favourite shows of all time? Or currently watching? Is there a tv show that is your go to?
Other honourable mentions:
Lost, Orphan Black, Sons of Anarchy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, and loads more that I'd be here all day listing them.
What are your favourite shows of all time? Or currently watching? Is there a tv show that is your go to?
It's probably too early to tell how I'm enjoying the course. I am really enjoying 2 out of 3 of my modules though so that's a positive start. As much as I wanted to do Sociology and Criminology I'm sure the path I go on is the right one.
Travelling to uni is not something I enjoy though. I decided to stay at home as I feel too old to be staying in student accommodation and it works out cheaper for me. Another reason is I really prefer working and studying at home so will hopefully be better for me. An hour (it's more in the morning on the way in due to traffic) is how long it takes though and it really takes up a lot of my energy. I do enjoy travelling but usually in a car and at quieter times.
It's only been two weeks and I've already had to miss a lecture due to a really bad headache that felt like it was going to turn into a migraine. More days like that to come I'm sure. Why do educational institutions have those really shitty bright lights that trigger my migraines?
Apart from that I really do hope that I stick in at it because the course has been interesting so far. My favourite has been my Gender, Body and Society class. We were looking at how gender is assigned to children and why it's so problematic that society categorise children into these genders depending on what kind of anatomy they were born with. It feels like this module has topics that I can really get my teeth into. Also knowing that I've dropped out of uni before I don't want to go through that again. I know the signs now of when I'm struggling and if it ever gets to that stage I hope that I have learned from my past and will ask for help instead of letting it consume me.
Starting university is an extremely exciting and scary time. You promise to yourself that you're going to be super organised this time and start your assignments as soon as possible but how often does that actually happen? I don't quite leave things to the last minute as I usually give myself some breathing space with a couple of days to the deadline but still. I know I could be more organised and prevent myself from being too stressed but it never happens.
Are you starting uni this year? Any tips for a new uni student?
So today I thought I would do a wee post on having psoriasis and answer a few questions about it.
When did I find out I had psoriasis? / How long have I had it for?
In 2004/2005 when I was about 14/15 so it's been about 12 years now. I was swimming with my best friend and when we went into the showers she noticed I had redness around my hairline. At the time we thought it might have been a reaction to the chlorine. A few months later though and the redness started to appear on my knees, elbows and scalp. Along with the redness came along the flaky skin. My mum already recognised what it was as my gran had it. She took me to the doctors though and they were like "yeah that's psoriasis alright" and gave me moisturiser and a special shampoo which kept it at bay for a wee while. I stopped using it however into my later teens and it gradually got worse over the years into my early 20's.
How do I look after it now?
A couple of years ago I decided it was time to get it under control again because it was really effecting me. The doctors put me on a Dovobet Gel, Aveeno cream and Hyrdocortison cream. All of these together seem to really work at the moment however they have switched my Dovobet Gel to some new creams and I haven't tried them yet but will do when the gel runs out. I really hope that they work just as positively as the gel has done. So currently I'll use my Aveeno cream in the morning and sometimes other times during the day if my skin gets dry and then before I go to bed I apply my gel and hydrocortison. I also try to drink plenty of water and get out in the sun as much as I can in a country that's famous for it's rain. I've heard about diets and taking supplements but I've not tried any of them yet and I wouldn't rule out trying them but it's not for me at the moment.
Do you find it hard to date/have a relationship?
This is something I don't actually have much problems with. When my psoriasis was at it's worst it was in places that could be covered up with like cardigans, tights etc. Probably one of the reasons why Autumn/Winter is my favourite time of year. I still managed to go on dates or be in relationships. Sure I would be mega nervous to reveal my skin but honestly... they didn't mind it. They may have been curious sure. But they were never horrible about it. I was in a relationship with this guy who used to say things like "awh I wish there was something I could do" and I'm sure he meant well but it felt like he felt sorry for me and it didn't sit right with me. My current boyfriend has asked about it but he doesn't make a big deal out of it. Probably helps that my skin is actually doing pretty well at the moment.
What is the worst experience you've had with psoriasis?
I don't think I could pinpoint one moment. There's been times where people have thought my psoriasis was dandruff and don't understand even after telling them. There's been times where it's been extremely painful with like a burning sensation or it's been cracking and bleeding. I think just finding out it was something I had, that there was no absolute cure for it and that it was something I was going to have to live with.
How does it effect you?
I mostly just get on with it. At first it knocked my confidence right down and felt like there were things I couldn't wear, I stopped going swimming and it definitely made me a bit of a recluse. It got better as time went on but I would still have my bad days where I would look in the mirror and if I saw a patch of red or flaky skin I would immediately want to go straight back to my bed. It was awful. Those bad days have become less and less as the years have went on and the more supportive people I have in my life. I think with age people become more understanding, you inform them and it really is ok. I still have a bad now every one and now. Especially when the patches are close to my face or my lower part of my arm.
Anything else?
Omg! Yes! Bed sheets. Buying bed sheets is a royal pain in my arse. Light ones means that if you do scratch and bleed whilst sleeping the blood is likely to show up on the sheets. Dark sheets means that the flaky skin ends up showing up on the sheets so you can't really win haha. I still opt for dark sheets most of the time though. I also used to sleep with cardigans on because I hated the plaques on my skin so much. That's stopped now and have only done it when I'm cold when I go to bed.
If there are any other questions you'd like to ask about psoriasis or want to know then go ahead. Or tell me about your own experiences with psoriasis or any other condition.
If there are any other questions you'd like to ask about psoriasis or want to know then go ahead. Or tell me about your own experiences with psoriasis or any other condition.
Most people have music that they have grown up with. Whether it was when they were a child, throughout their teenage years and well into their adult life. I grew up surrounded by music. Both my parents love listening to music although very different tastes which has definitely in some way contributed to my tastes. My mum had me listening to the likes of Queen and Bon Jovi and usually whatever was on the radio whereas my dad had me listening to music of the disco era. Diana Ross and Chic.
So I thought I would put together a wee list of the music that has been a huge part of my life.
Green Day - American Idiot
Yep. I was about 14 when this album was released and I was already into bands by this point with the likes of Linkin Park and Foo Fighters but I was ready for Green Day to come into my life with this album. Not realising that they were the ones who done Basket Case and Warning. This album probably set me up for the identity I gave myself for quite a few years. I continue to love this band so much and have seen them live. I was supposed to see them live again this year but their gig got cancelled unfortunately.
The Kooks - Inside In Inside Out
So, I ditched school a lot and I would just sit in my room and I would play this album on loop for about 3 hours. To the point where my CD was gubbed and I had to buy it again. It also reminds me of one of the times I went to Florida so it definitely has a special place in my heart.

Paramore - Brand New Eyes
To be honest every single one of their albums has had a huge part in my life. They always seem to bring out an album at poignant moments of my life. This I think is the one that had the biggest impact of all. It came out just as I was breaking up with who I thought was the love of my life at the time. A lot of the songs were like telling me exactly how I was feeling. It was a rough time and this album told me it was ok to feel that way. I also got to see them live for this one.

Fleetwood Mac - The Very Best Of
Rumours is probably one of my favourite official albums ever but I'm kind of cheating here and picking their best of album because they have so many hits. When I first listened to the album I'm like "wait! I actually know this song" to every song but didn't know that I knew it, if that makes sense? Dreams is one of my favourite songs of all time and The Chain. I love listening to The Chain in the car with Chris. We just get so into it or if we get distracted by something we have to start the song over again.

Imagine Dragons - Night Vision
I just love this album. I was on the lookout for a new favourite band because well lets just say I can no longer listen to what used to my favourite. Then I remember catching a live show of them on MTV or something and I absolutely loved them. I immediately downloaded the album and I still listen to it all the time. They are probably now classed as my favourite band.

Biffy Clyro - Opposites
So this album came out when I was 22. I was at college doing my Access to Social Sciences course. It was a crazy time for me. I remember listening to it going to visit my Auntie who had cancer. We knew by this point that she didn't have long left. So sometimes this album is really hard to listen to. My Auntie said to me though that I was to stick in at college and anytime I ever thought of packing it in she would be kicking my arse. She passed away before I even finished the course and anytime throughout my student life when I have that niggling feeling or when times get a bit tough I do feel that kick up my arse now. Or I listen to this album to remind myself. So I nearly cried when I saw them this year at TRNSMT and they played Black Chandelier.
Twin Atlantic - Free
Again this album came out the same time I was starting college. This was the first album I heard of them, the first song being Make A Beast of Myself. It is now one of my favourite albums ever and now one of my favourite bands. The song Wonder Sleeps Here still gives me these feelings and chills. It's such an amazing and beautiful song. I've now had the pleasure of seeing these guys twice. Although I don't really count the first time as it was at the Big Weekend and we only saw about 3 songs. But these guys are amazing live and I would go see them again and again.
Other honourable mentions include anything by Michael Jackson, Foo Fighters, and Snow Patrol. What music did you grow up with? What are your favourite bands/musicians?
So it's coming up to that time of year where the Summer holidays are coming to an end and people are returning to school/college/university. I'm starting university soon and know for sure I will be hit with Fresher's Flu. I always do. There is also a thing called Fringe Flu. Where those who work at the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh end up going home with the flu or have the flu whilst there. So with Chris I am twice as likely to get it and guess what I can feel it coming on already. It's totally fine to feel sorry for yourself. I get pretty overdramatic when I get it. I'd rather have anything over a blocked nose so I definitely turn into a pathetic mess. But there are ways I try to combat it and make myself feel better. Most of them you have probably heard before.
1. Plenty of rest or as much as I possibly can. The less important things like tv shows or that book I wanted to read can wait. An earlier night than usual is normally called for. There is nothing quite like getting into your comfiest of pj's and burying yourself under your duvet. Sometimes I'll stick something on to watch to help me fall asleep. Usually something I have already seen so I don't mind missing it if I do end up falling asleep.
2. I have this weird thing where I like to have plenty of warm drinks like tea but I also always keep a bottle of water close by. So plenty of liquids to flush the germs out and soothe the sore throat.
3. This one depends on how I'm feeling but sometimes I like to have a hot water bottle. Sometimes when I get the flu I tend to also get stomach aches so this helps to soothe those. Or it just helps me to fall asleep by having something nice and warm to cuddle. Chris is also sometimes like a human radiator so he can act as one if we're staying at the other's.
4. Sweets. People probably opt for throat lozenges but they kind of make me gag so I like to have whethers originals or something similar that helps to ease the pain in your throat. Probably another reason why I like ice cream in these situations too.
5. Olbas oil and vapo rub are my absolute god-sends. The first couple of days I use these a lot. It helps to prevent my nose getting super blocked. Also taking painkillers at the start to try and battle those weird headaches you get with the flu.
6. Showers. I know. I tend to not feel like going for them either but the steam really helps and feeling all clean and fresh makes you feel a little less yucky. Also splashing some Olbas Oil around the shower area helps to clear up my airways. Baths only happen if I feel very lazy but I just go for them for the relaxation not to get clean.
Nothing ever really gets rid of it but there are things that can ease the pain. It's just something you have to ride out. There's no feeling quite like the one you get when your nose becomes unblocked again.
What do you do when you get the flu? Do you battle on or do you just succumb to it?
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